Password Requirements
Your password must be between 8 and 20 characters long and should contain a combination of letters, numbers and special characters. You may change your password at any time, by logging in to your account and selecting the Change Your Password option in the left navigation panel. Here are some acceptable and not acceptable examples for password changes:
Not Acceptable | Reason |
NewHire | No special characters or numbers |
NewHire01 | No special characters |
NewHire@ | No numbers |
!NewHire | No numbers |
NewHireRegistration01@ | More than 20 characters |
Ne#Hir1 | Less than 8 characters |
Acceptable | Reason |
NewHire01@ | Has a combination of special characters and numbers, less than 20 characters |
NewHire01! | Has a combination of special characters and numbers, less than 20 characters |
@NewHire01 | Has a combination of special characters and numbers, less than 20 characters |
New#Hire01 | Has a combination of special characters and numbers, less than 20 characters |
NHireRegistration01@ | Exactly 20 characters |